parshat Va'etchanan
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A Shiur by Rabbi Jonatahan Sacks for the weekly Torah reading of "Va'etchanan"
Heaven's Refusal
Although our teacher Moshe figuratively tears down the gates of heaven with his prayers and supplication to be allowed to enter the land of Israel, his wish is not granted. The question itself remains a vexing one, even thousands of years later. -
Who Heard Ten?
Parashat Vaetchanan returns us to the Ten Commandments. We also read the parasha of Shema, which we recite twice a day, thereby accepting Hashem’s sovereignty over us. One thing that unites these special Torah portions is the matter of shemi’ah (hearing). -
The Spiritual Effects of Diaspora
A look at the claim in this week's Torah reading VaEtchanan that Jews who live outside the Land of Israel will serve idols and reconciles it with commentators who seemingly disagree. -
Why Is The Jewish People So Small?
Weekly Shiur by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks for the weekly portion "Va'etchanan".
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